Serious Blackjack Software
Casino Vérité
Blackjack software products by Norman Wattenberger for Windows PCs, and Android and Apple mobile devices, for card counting, basic strategy,
shuffle tracking and Ace prediction are now mentioned in 29
books. The major aim in the construction of these tools is the accurate
simulation of play in a live casino. In particular, ultra-real casino
Blackjack card counting and basic strategy.
Although Casino Vérité products
can be played as Blackjack games, they were designed as serious casino
practice tools for novices and professionals. Casino Vérité
has long been considered the top Blackjack software by nearly all experts
including managers of the MIT Blackjack teams (see CV
Blackjack References). See a review at CV
Blackjack Review. For a summary of card counting software, click the
Blackjack button at the left. Click here for the most popular Blackjack
What's New in Card Counting
Free Update, an improvement to optimal betting calculation is included in a free update to CVCX V6 and CVData V6. See CVCX Update – Readapting Kelly for information.
CVReview, a new Windows application is now available. See CVReview Results/Activity Tracker/Analyzer for information.
CAC2, a new card counting strategy is available. See CAC2 blackjack counting strategy for information.
CVHoleCard, an add-in to CV Blackjack, training and practice software
for hole carding. partial hole carding, next carding and partial next carding is now available. See CVHoleCard
Announcement for information.
CVCX and CVData Version 6 Blackjack simulator/calculators
are now available. See CVCX/CVData
V6 Announcement for more info.
CV Blackjack Version 5.6 training and practice software
is now available. See CV Blackjack V5.6
Announcement for update information.
Android and Apple Blackjack apps have been added. See Mobile Blackjack Apps
Announcement for information.
new, free 540-page book can be found at Free
Blackjack Book. A 680-page printed edition is available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. A Kindle edition of the first volume is also available at Amazon.
A new discussion forum has been created for both beginners and advanced players. Registration, chat and all features are free. See Blackjack: The Forum.
A new site has been created to discuss the legality of card counting. Feel free to add comments at Is Card Counting Illegal? Obviously, the answer is no.
of the above products are now fully Windows Vista, Win7, Win8, Win10 and Win11 compliant.
discussion on Casinos and Personal Privacy
by Rick Blaine has been added.
Online, a new set of Blackjack calculators,
charts and statistics has been added.
guide to the six CV Blackjack programs has been added at CV
Blackjack Card Counting Software Roadmap.
Version 2 is now available This is ultra-realistic casino shuffle
tracking and ace sequencing practice and analysis software. Free update
for Version 1 users. See CVShuffle Announcement
for details.
a list of casino card counting strategies see Blackjack
Card Counting.
page has been added on the reasons to invest in Blackjack Software at
Why Invest in Blackjack Software.
page has been added on How to Create
a Card Counting Strategy. This may be of interest even if you don't
wish to create your own counting system as it describes the components
of strategies in detail.
CV Pai Gow Poker has been discontinued. Sorry, it's just too old.
Card Counting & Poker Sites
new site containing a free Blackjack book with 130+ charts has
been created. BlackjackinColor
by Norman Wattenberger – How Blackjack Card Counting Works.
If you are looking for online Poker bonuses, see Poker
Bonus Codes.
Domain, a bulletin board website and chat for Blackjack and other advantage
play is now open at Blackjack
Sorry about the blank space here.
The list of references on the right side of the page has grown so long,
this side has run out of material.:)
References from Blackjack Authors
Bryce Carlson
(Author: Blackjack for Blood) "This is outstanding software. It is the best, most
realistic casino Blackjack practice software I have seen. Any player,
regardless of skill, will improve his game using Casino Vérité
Blackjack. I highly recommend it."
MIT Mike
(2004 World Series of Blackjack Champion,
MIT Blackjack Team Manager)
"As a manager of the MIT Blackjack Team I've
trained many players, and I have to say that Casino Vérité
has no peer when it comes to BJ practice software. If you're serious about
taking your knowledge and understanding of blackjack to the next level,
I strongly recommend the Casino Verite suite."
Semyon Dukach
(MIT Blackjack Team Leader)
"We always wrote our own simulators from scratch
on the MIT Blackjack Team in the 90's, because we found all the existing
software at that time to be severely lacking in functionality and power.
That's why when I evaluated CV and all its components, I was extremely
surprised at what it could do. Not only did it fully match, and in some
areas surpass, the power and flexibility of our custom simulators, but
it made the whole process of evaluating and comparing different games
and strategies intuitive, simple, and a downright pleasure to use. We
now recommend CV to all students taking our Blackjack Science Seminars."
Arnold Snyder
(Author: Blackbelt in Blackjack) "Casino Vérité
has long been the best imitation of actual casino play possible with a
computer." "'s way out ahead of the competition."
CVData is "The top Blackjack simulator on
the market today, bar none."
"The best shuffle-mapping software, however,
in my opinion, is Norm Wattenberg's CVShuffle."
Donald Schlesinger
(Author: Blackjack Attack)
"His suite of Casino Vérité
products has become the gold standard in Blackjack simulation software."
Kevin Blackwood
(Author: Play Blackjack Like the Pros)
"Today there are very sophisticated modern
methods of learning from computer software. The industry standard is Casino
Verite Blackjack, a truly amazing program that has a myriad of tools for
both beginners and pros."
"Compared to card counting, there is probably
less than 1 percent as much written about shuffle-tracking. A good resource
if you are interested in learning this complicated technique is the Casino
Verite Blackjack software package."
Rick Blaine
(Author:Blackjack Blueprint)
"The number one Blackjack practice software."
"A fantastic practice and research tool."
Richard Epstein
(Author: The Theory of Gambling and Statistical
Acknowledgements: "Norman Wattenberger, proprietor,
Casino Vérité.
His CV Blackjack continues as a classic in its field. If there is a more
proficient 'sim' master in the U.S., that person has yet to surface."
Hollywood Dave
(Author: Hollywood Blackjack) "There's a resource section in the back of
this book with some other helpful books and support, most notably the
Casino Vérité software, which I would recommend hands down."
Michael Dalton (Editor: Blackjack Review)
"I know of no other blackjack game software
anywhere that incorporates the level of detail Casino Vérité
"Outstanding. Highly Recommended. Casino Vérité
Blackjack is the hottest game playing software available anywhere."
Nathaniel Tilton (Author: Blackjack Life) "We decided to buy an important piece of software - a powerful simulator, Casino Vérité, that could be customized for dealer speed, payoff mistakes, rules variations, and counting systems."
Ralph Stricker
(Author: Silver Fox Blackjack System)
"I believe it to be the most comprehensive
program for actual casino play." "Your products are not only
great, but the follow up & updating of said programs is the best."
Stuart Perry
(Author: Las Vegas Blackjack Diary)
"Without any doubt in my mind, Norman Wattenberger's
Casino Vérité computer software is the best computer blackjack
product on the market. One can practice at almost any level--from basic
strategy to an advanced counting system--and be shown his/her mistakes."
"Lastly, all sorts of simulations can be run with CVData which will
show potential long-term results with almost any blackjack game one might
play with virtually any strategy employed."
Max Rubin (Author: Comp City—A
Guide to Free Gambling Vacations)
"Casino Vérité has become a
metaphor for Blackjack." (At the Blackjack Ball.)
George C.
(Author: Shuffle Tracking for Dummies)
"I believe any serious player or team captain
should own this software. There's no other simulator that can match its
sheer speed or features in today's market." (about CVCX)
"If I had to choose only one sim package,
CVData would be the one" (about CVData)
"...the best practice tool I've ever used."
(about CVBJ)
Anthony Curtis
(Publisher: Las Vegas Advisor)
"The best software currently on the market
is Norm Wattenberger’s Casino Verite."
Katarina Walker
The Pro's Guide to Spanish 21 and Australian Pontoon)
"Learning is made quick and easy by the use
of Blackjack software containing flashcard drills. The only Spanish 21-friendly
product on the market is Casino Verite Blackjack by Norm Wattenberger,
which is considered the most advanced and accurate Blackjack software
McDowell (Author: Blackjack Ace Prediction)
"The important statistical results in the
book were verified using computer simulations. Norman Wattenberger’s
excellent Casino Vérité CVShuffle was used for these simulations."
Ian Andersen
(Author: Burning the Tables in Las Vegas)
"Computer software is available that enables
you to practice counting at home (I like Casino Verite by Norman Wattenberger.)
This approach is far less expensive than cutting your teeth in the casino."
Michael Shackleford
(The "Wizard of Odds") "This software produces hundreds of different
statistics for just about any set of rules, betting strategies, and playing
strategies. For the player who wants to run these tests, this software
is the best there is, in my opinion." (about CVCX)
Mike Turner
(Author: Bootlegger's 200 Proof Blackjack) "This is the best practice software for Blackjack.
It's an invaluable tool for beginners and experienced players alike."
John Bukofsky
(Author: Blackjack: Play Like the Pros)
"My gratitude is extended to Norm Wattenberger.
The computer simulations I ran to provide data for this text come right
from his invaluable Casino Verite software package." (about CVData.)
More References Review