Pai Gow Poker Software
Sorry, this software has been discontinued.
Casino Vérité Pai Gow Poker features are outlined on
this page. You can also link to a page describing Pai Gow Poker strategies.
The card below is a card from CV PGP running in 1024x768 mode.
- Rule Variations - CV can simulate
Vegas or California rules as played in nearly any casino.
- Strategies - Multiple
Pai Gow Poker strategies are provided, including Stanford Wong's
strategy with his authorization. This is the only software using Wong's
Pai Gow Poker strategies.
- Player Banking - Player Banking is
supported with detailed chip animation to show the path of payoffs and
- Statistics - Numerous playing statistics
are provided. In addition, CV will display the percentage of all possible
hands that are better than your current hand setting.
- Graphs - Five graphs are included
to display your progress over time.
- Tournament play - Comprehensive Pai
Gow Poker tournament play is supported. Here, you play against the other
players, not against the dealer. You can program computer players' Risk
level, Agression, Betting mode and Playing skill. Numerous tournament
customization parameters are provided.
- Multi-Player Capability - Up to three
humans can play at once in tournament mode.
- Drills - Drills are included to improve
strategy accuracy.
- Window sizes - Two window sizes are
supported: 640x480 & 1024x768. Graphics are NOT stretched, but are
generated at different resolutions with gray scales for extremely high
- Player File - Multiple users can be
registered. Parameter, option and status settings are saved for each
player. Separate logs are also kept by user and session.
- Help - In addition to on-line Help,
CV uses Help ‘Balloons’ to guide you through the myriad features.

For demo downloads go to the Download Page.
To order CV products, see the Orders Page.