CVJournal Add/Edit Record

This screen is used to add or change rows in the journal. On the left, you will see a list of fields. These are the fields that you have selected on the Fields page. Enter the information for a session in these fields

Ø The Date field can contain most forms of recognizable dates. For example, in the U.S. 4/1, 4/1/2, 4/1/2002, April 1, April 1, 2002, apr 1, apr 2002 will all be accepted as April 1. If you leave it blank, the current date will be inserted. But, if you live in Europe, 4/1/2 would indicate January 4, 2002.

Ø The Player field can be used if there is more than one person using the journal. You can later use the Select feature to display only one player if you wish. Or you can sort on players.

Ø The Player, Casino and Software fields can be selected from drop-down lists. When you click on these fields, a down arrow will appear. You can type in a value, or click on the down arrow. A list of all previous entries in these fields will appear from which you can select.

Ø If you are using the journal for Internet gambling, the Won field should include bonuses.

Ø The Internet, Paid and withdrawn are true/false fields. Click to indicate true.

Ø On the right, you will see the Notes area. You can enter and edit freeform text. You can also add date stamps by typing Ctrl-T. For Internet casinos, you may wish to keep a list of dated events when getting bonuses and cashing-in.

Ø Hit ADD to add a session. You can then change some fields and hit ADD again to add more sessions. Hit Exit when done.


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