Select Seats
Click on OPTIONS – SELECT SEATS to indicate where you will sit and if there are any other players and how they play. You can play any or all seats. Other players can play correctly or use annoying strategies. Seat 1 is to your right. Other player strategies include:
Ø Basic Strategy - The full BS based on the current rules
Ø Average Player - Close to Basic Strategy with some common errors.
Ø Mimic dealer - Follow the dealer rules
Ø Never Bust - Stand on 12 and higher
Ø Annoying Players - These are awful players that randomly split Tens and make other nutty plays
Ø Plays like me - Uses your counting strategy and tables
Ø Random - Players switch strategies unpredictably. This is designed to distract you.
Players come and go
Ø This option means that, occasionally, other players will appear or leave. This is one of the more annoying distractions in a real casino.