Click on OPTIONS - HEAT or the thermometers on the left of the table to display the Heat screen. Heat is the amount of attention the casino is paying to your play. The more heat, the more likely the casino will take action to limit your play. The thermometers on the left of the table indicate the current heat. As the temperature rises, your survival rate in that casino decreases.
Heat Profile Table
The Heat Table is used to control the casino policy. You can change any cell or create multiple heat tables. There is no need to save the table; it is automatically saved each time you change a number. But you can save the table under a name for later reference if you wish to create multiple Heat Profiles. There are two heat values, one for the pit (the casino floor) and another for Surveillance (the eye-in-the-sky.) These values are calculated differently. Also, there are different columns of heat coefficients for single deck, double deck and shoes. Coefficients are:
Ø Starting Value - The first four rows provide the starting heat. This depends on the seat in which you are sitting. First base is at your far right and third base at your far left.
Ø Per hand - How much is the heat incremented for each hand played. The more time you spend at a table the more likely you are to come under scrutiny.
Ø Per hand > - You can set a different penalty for play after a specified number of hands.
Ø Tip adjustment - This amount is decremented from heat when you tip
Ø PB Presence multiplier - At times you will notice that the pit thermometer background will change to a dark red. This means the pit boss is watching your table. The effect of the next 6 rows and the ‘Heat Tables Multiplier’ will be multiplied by this coefficient when the PB is watching.
Ø Bet changes - The next six rows indicate penalties given when a bet is changed in a way unnatural for a gambler.
Ø After split/double assuagement - If you make a large bet change after a split or double, this is not considered as bad. This row reduces the heat penalty or the six betting rows. For example, if this row contains .25 then the heat penalty in the six betting change rows is reduced by 25%.
Ø Spread Penalty - Multiply the number is this row times the spread (max bet divided by min bet) for a spread penalty.
Ø Heat Tables Multiplier - If you click the Heat Tables button, you will see a set of tables that assign cover values for different hands. For example, if you double down with a 6 against a ten the casino is going to think you are an idiot and your heat level is reduced. Multiply the value in this row times the value in the Heat Tables for the hand just played. The tables are only used when you violate Basic Strategy.
Ø Win > - This is a penalty applied for every dollar you are ahead over the specified number.
Ø Lose > - Same for losses. Losing money can also gain attention.
Ø Bet > - These four rows contain penalties based on your highest bet
Ø Counting Correlation Multiplier - This row is an attempt to simulate counter catcher software. The penalty is applied only if you make a play which both violated Basic Strategy but is valid for Hilo.
Ø Trigger Surveillance Points - Surveillance will normally not pay much attention to you. Once your pit temperature reaches this point, surveillance will start watching.
Ø Trigger Surveillance Hands - Same as above but number of hands is the trigger.
Ø Trigger Preferential Shuffling - If the Heat indexes reach these points, subtle preferential shuffling will take place. That is the dealer will shuffle early with high counts. It will not be obvious if you are not paying attention.
Ø Show Heat Indexes - This option controls visibility of the thermometers on the table.
Ø Heat Tables - Click to select a set of Heat Tables. A sample set is included in the QFIT folder. You can create your own with Define Playing Strategies. Simply create a new strategy based on the Sample Heat Tables. All values must be numbers.
Ø Load - Replace the current values with values in a saved table.
Ø Save - Save the current values to a custom Heat Tables file. You do not need to click Save to save the current table as all changes are automatically saved in the user profile.
Ø Reset - The thermometers are reset when you start CV, start a new session or click RESET.