Edit Casino

The Casino Data Base contains the rule and play definitions including about 75 option settings each for 1180 Blackjack games in 740 actual casinos. The Edit Casino Function can be used to make changes in the Casino Data Base. The command buttons will be described first followed by the parameter definitions. In all cases, the term 'current casino definition' refers to the set of rules last selected from the Casino, Maps, Search or Edit Casino functions.


Ø Load Casino - Clicking on the Load Casino button will bring up the normal casino selection screen to allow changing to a different casino definition.

Ø Delete Casino - Clicking on this button will remove the current casino definition from the Casino Data Base. If more than one set of rules for the current casino exists, only the currently selected set of definitions will be removed - not the entire casino. After the casino definition has been deleted, you will be asked to specify a new current casino.

Ø Update Casino - The Update Function will modify the current casino definition. All of the fields on the Edit Casino screen as well as fields on the PLAYER OPTIONS and ODD OPTIONS screens will be copied to the Casino Data Base for the current casino definition. Note: If you change the casino name before clicking on the Update Casino button, a warning message will be issued to make certain that you are updating the casino name itself instead of attempting to add a new casino.

Ø Add Casino - To add a new casino or an additional set of table definitions for an existing casino, use the Add Casino Function. A completely new casino definition will be added to the database. Again, all of the fields on the Edit Casino screen as well as fields on the PLAYER OPTIONS and ODD OPTIONS screens will be copied to the Casino Data Base for the new casino definition. You may enter any number of table definitions for a single casino.

Ø Exit - The Exit Button exits this function with no additional effect.


Ø Name - The name of the Casino. There may be more than one set of rule definitions for the same casino and the same casino name can be used for different areas of the world.

Ø City - You may enter a city, state and country name to further identify a casino.

Ø Penetration - The percentage of the deck dealt at a particular set of casino tables is specified here.

Ø Area - You may specify the area of the world in which this casino is located here. This is used to separate casinos into manageable groups on the Casino Selection and Search functions.

Ø Decks - Specify the number of decks used in this rule set here.

Ø Tables - You may indicate the number of Blackjack tables at the specified casino with this set of rules. This field is for information purposes only.

Ø Lower Limit & Upper Limit - The minimum and maximum bets that can be made is specified here. A set of different table limits within this range is generated whenever this casino definition is used.


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