City Maps

You can select a subset of the casinos known to CV by map location as follows:

The Maps

Ø First, enter City Maps from the OPTIONS MAPS menu, or the OPTIONS CASINOS menu. There are three maps controlled by the buttons in the middle of the screen. The casinos are shown as colored circles and listed in the lower left corner. If you click on a circle, the name of the casino will appear selected in the casino name list. If you select a casino by clicking the mouse on the name in the casino name table, then the corresponding circle will start blinking. Also, if the Balloon Help is on, the casino name will be shown when you move the mouse over a circle. You can examine the rules for the casino by clicking on the RULES buttons, or set the game's rules to the rules of the selected casino by clicking on OK.

Select Tables

Ø You can color the circles from green to red based upon the casino advantage or penetration as selected by the SELECT TABLES options for each casino. Green indicates more favorable to the player. Most casinos have more than one set of rules. You can color the circles according to each casinos best, average or worst table.


Ø Rules - The colors will be based on the player advantage of the rules at each casino.

Ø Penetration - The colors will be set to indicate the penetration. Green indicates that most of the cards are dealt. Red indicates that the cards are shuffled early.

Number of...

Ø Each circle will contain a number. The number is the different rule sets that each casino supports or the number of open BJ tables depending on this option.


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