CVJournal Journal Page
CVJournal is a facility designed to ease the tracking of actual casino results. Using an Access database, you can store, manipulate, calculate, sort, select and chart session data. You can enter CVJournal from TOOLS - CVJOURNAL or by using the CVJournal icon. When entered, you are presented with the main journal page as described here:
The Journal
In the center of the screen, you will see the sessions currently selected from the Journal. A small sample journal with only a few fields is included. You should delete the sample sessions before you use CVJournal. The second row contains totals, averages, minimums or maximums for some fields.
Ø Sort - Click on a column header to sort the journal by the contents of that column. You can also move columns to the right or left by clicking on the header and dragging it.
Ø Fields - Click on the Fields button to change the fields kept and displayed. You can add many standard fields, define your own custom fields or add calculated fields.
Ø Add - Click on the Add button to add one or more session records.
Ø Edit - Click on a session row and then Edit to change the contents of that session record.
Ø Delete - Click on a session record and Delete to remove it. You can use Ctrl-Click to select several records or Shift-Click to select a range of records. Before using this function, click on the first record and then Shift-click on the last record and click on Delete to get rid of all of the sample sessions.
Ø Select - Click on Select to display a subset of the sessions. Simple and complex selections are allowed. You can also select a group of records that you want to delete and then delete them all. This also provides the ability to Chart, Sum and copy a subset of the records. The current selection definition will be displayed in the white box in the upper right and will remain in effect the next time you enter CVJournal.
Ø Copy - The Copy button will copy all of the currently displayed records to the Windows Clipboard. You can then paste them into Microsoft Excel.
Ø Charts - The Charts button will create graphs of the currently displayed records.
Ø Open - This provides the ability to examine a CVJournal database that you have received from someone else. In this manner, you can examine the session logs of team members.
Ø Export - Click on the Export to send your database to someone else. You will be prompted for a name and location. The exported journal will be placed in that location with that name and can then be e-mailed.