Shuffle Tracking
1.5 decks. NRS scales up the count and the pseudo decks to compromise between 1˝ decks and 6 decks. In this case, scaling up by 77%. A running count of -8.5 times 1.77 is -15 and 1.5 decks times 1.77 is 2.65 decks. So, we have a compromise of a starting count of +15 (-1.5 times the TZ) and 2.65 pseudo decks. In this manner, the true count at the start of the PZ is the same as it would be without scaling up the pseudo-decks; but the calculation into the PZ is more conservative. Cut Poor Slug Out
When cutting bad cards out, during play, we consider the Play Zone to be the cards we did not cut out. So instead of a PZ of 1.5 decks at the end of the shoe, we think of the PZ as the 4.5 decks at the start of the shoe. At the start of the shoe, the running count is +10; we divide by the number of pseudo-decks (5) for a true count of +2. We bet and play accordingly. Our TC will average +2 throughout the shoe thanks to the removed small cards.
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