Shuffle Tracking
As I said, I will not explain here why NRS comes up with these particular numbers. This is not meant to be a math text. You can find that at the reference earlier in the chapter. Instead, I will give three examples using the free NRS Calculator based on the shuffle in the Shuffle Mapping section.
I will quickly point out how the numbers work out in this example, although it is not necessary to understand it. Suppose we have a TZ count of -10. That means half of the cards in the PZ will have a count of -10. The 273 cards outside of the TZ will have a count of +10. The 39 cards from those 273 cards that are mixed into the PZ have an average count of 10*39/273 or 1.5. So, the PZ will have an average count of -10+1.5 or -8.5 in
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