scenario does not apply to this particular shuffle since you cannot cut a slug
to the top that is already there. But as it does apply to some shuffles, I will
include it here. Select the “Cut rich slug to top” option in the NRS
Calculator. Enter Shoe size (6), Track Zone size (.75) and Play Zone size
(1.5). Hit calculate and we get 2.625 pseudo-decks and a multiplier of -1.5.
Round 2.625 to 2.5 decks. If we have a count of -10 in the TZ, at the start of
the deck, we have an Initial Running Count of -10*-1.5 or +15. We divide by 2.5
decks for a true count of 6. At the end of the 1.5 deck Play Zone, we subtract
the IRC (15) from the current running count and play normally.
a good slug into the middle of the shoe is handled in the same manner as
cutting to the top by most trackers. However, you can gain some additional
advantage by using an extension to NRS. Here we enter Shoe size, TZ size, and
PZ size as in the above example. We also add the slug outside the PZ. This is
the number of cards cut in front of our PZ. So, if we cut one deck in front of
the PZ, we enter a 1. Again, we get the pseudo-decks and multiplier. But we
also get an adjustment factor. This is used to include the extra knowledge we
have gained by seeing the deck of cards prior to the PZ. Normally, when we
enter the PZ, we would set the Initial Running Count to the running count of
the TZ times the multiplier -1.4 (or -1.5 for ease). If we want to adjust for
the extra information, we would add the running count of the first deck times
the adjustment to our IRC.