Select the fields below to display a chart. Each chart shows the SCORE,
Advantage or N0 for all reasonable penetrations by the card. Skip to the
bottom of the page for definitions.
Rules - You can select from eight rule sets. S17 stands
for dealer stands on 17, DAS is double after split and LS is late
Decks - Select 1, 2, 4, 6 or 8 decks.
Spread - The max bet divided by the min bet. $5 to
$25 is a spread of 5. Low, Medium and High set different spreads according
to the nukmber of decks selected as follows:
Single deck: 2, 3, 4
Double Deck: 4, 6,8
Shoes: 8, 12, 16
SCORE - SCORE is a term coined by Don Schlesinger
to rate games.
IBA - Initial Bet advantage, also known as your edge or expected value.
N0 - Another strategy scoring technique developed by Brett Harris. It
is defined as "the number of rounds that must be played, with a
fixed betting spread, such that the accumulated expectation equals the
accumulated standard deviation. As such, it is a measure of how many
rounds must be played to overcome a negative fluctuation of one standard
deviation with such a fixed spread."
Gambling problem, contact the National Council on Problem Gambling.