Playing Strategy (Simple)

Enter this screen from the main menu STRATEGIES - PLAYING STRATEGIES (SIMPLE) or by clicking on Attach Strategy from the Playing Strategies (Complex) screen. An Explorer like tree will be displayed with many folders. The Basic Strategies folder contains non-counting strategies. The User Strategies folder contains strategies that you have defined. The remaining strategies are included strategies arranged by author. Open one of the folders and click on a strategy.

Affecting Options

In the Options area, a list of the rules that affect the index tables is provided. The strategies will automatically change whenever you change the affecting rules.

Index Range

You may not wish to use all of the strategy indexes. By setting a lower and upper limit here, you can easily remove undesired indexes.

Index Limits

You can also limit indexes to the Illustrious 18 (the top 18 indexes as compiled by Don Schlesinger), The Sweet 16 (The Illustrious 18 minus the ten splits) and/or the Fabulous 4 (the top Surrender indexes.) You can also set a Mask by clicking on the Set Mask button. This provides the ability to specify exactly which indexes you wish to use and allows you to easily add them one by one.

Display Tables

Click here to view the table contents given the options and index range settings described above.

Define Strategy

If you wish to define a new strategy, click on Define Strategy.


Click the Attach button to select your desired strategy.


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