Other CV BlackJack Products
Below you will find information on two simulators and CVShuffle. Demos can be found on the CD. For up-to-date info, see www.qfit.com on the Web.
"I believe any serious player or team captain should own this software. There's no other simulator that can match its sheer speed or features in today's market." - George C.
Combination Simulator, Sim Library & Risk/Goal/Bankroll/Optimal Bet calculator
We have witnessed great progress in the last few years with new thinking on risk and optimal betting, new tools and a new text providing a wealth of information. What has been lacking is a single end-to-end solution that can easily analyze a game and provide to anyone accurate information on risk and betting based upon their own exact situation. In the past, simulators took one set of input and created raw statistics. On one end, CVCX differs in that it analyzes an entire game, not just one instance of that game. All combinations of eight rule sets, all numbers of decks, all betting patterns and scores of penetrations are simmed in one run. On the other end, the output is not displayed in raw stats, but in the final desired information including risk and optimal bets in an interactive form. You will be surprised at how much optimal betting will improve your results with no extra effort.
So what exactly is CVCX? This is a completely new application providing the ability to create your own customized, interactive Blackjack Attack Chapter Ten. (Blackjack Attack is an exciting, modern text by Donald Schlesinger including huge tables of data important to Blackjack players.) Set the parameters as you would for a normal sim (strategies, index tables, TC calculation methodology, uncommon rules, etc.) Hit GO and thousands of sims will be run, the results compressed into a single file and placed in the archives. Once the sims have completed, you can display the results with the Viewer one table at a time. As you change the parameters setting up "what-if" situations, the desired table is dynamically displayed. Over one million tables can be displayed per file. Extensions include:
Up to 79 different penetrations by exact card are run and can be displayed after the sims have been completed. As you click the penetration counter, advantage, desirability, risk and optimal bets instantaneously change based on your exact indexes and counting accuracy.
A library containing the equivalent of tens of thousands of sims and 50 trillion hands (that's 50 million million) is available on the Web. Most of this library is also automatically installed from the CD. Or use TrackJack to set the rules & penetration.
With a WindowsXP-style assistant, balloon help and context sensitive help, CVCX is ridiculously easy to use. But, a printed manual is included anyway.
CVCX is by far the fastest simulator on the market today.
"The top Blackjack simulator on the market today, bar none." - Arnold Snyder
CVData is a highly advanced BlackJack simulator supporting more complex strategies, and vastly more data than any other simulator on the market. It is also faster than any other simulator except CVCX. Some features include:
o Up to 60,000 stats per sim
o 41 standard charts and a custom charting facility
o Complex cover betting and Insurance cover
o Modern, custom reporting facility
o Betting error and strategy error simulation
o Floating Advantage data
o Different betting strategies by deck depth
o Different playing strategies by deck depth
o Multi-Parameter strategies
o Counting by Inference simulation
o Counting by Inference strategy creation
o Multi-Sim. This feature allow simple execution of a very large number of sims varying up to four parameters. This feature was used to create www.bjstats.com.
o Insurance and betting side counts
o Peeking at other players' cards
o A new sim archive facility
o Lots of new, unique options for customizing deck estimation and True Count calculations.
o Ability to assign different strategies to each player and collect statistics for all players. Each of the seven players can be assigned up to six playing and six betting strategies switching strategies at different deck depths. Variable number of player also supported.
o HTML creation, large number of included strategy tables, CVSpread spreadsheet facility, Double-barrier RoR/Bankroll calculator, 70 page printed manual, modern interface (no ascii editor.)
If you have licenses for both products, you get a different version of CVCX that adds many of CVData's advanced features while retaining the speed of CVCX.
Please see the Help for info on CVShuffle. A demo was installed with CVBJ.