New Session
The FILE - NEW SESSION menu provides the ability to start a new trip or session. Trips are divided into sessions for the purposes of statistics. If you wish, you can ignore the trip feature and just use sessions.
New Trip
Ø New Trip Name - If you wish, you can name your trips to keep the logs organized.
Ø Keep Bankroll for new Trip - If set, your bankroll will be carried over to the new trip. If not, it will be set to the Starting Bankroll field.
Ø Start a New Trip - The current Trip and Session are terminated and a new Trip and Session begin.
New Session
Ø Keep Bankroll for new Session - If set, your bankroll will be carried over to the new session. If not, it will be set to the Starting Bankroll field.
Ø Always start new session on program entry - A new session in the current trip is always created when you start CV
Ø Start a New Session - The current Session is terminated and a new Session begins in the current Trip
Note, the following actions will take place:
Ø A new log will be started. The previous log will be deleted if the "Auto delete logs" option on the OPTIONS - SETTINGS menu ENVIRONMENT folder has been selected. Otherwise, the log will be retained and can be later displayed using the menu HISTORY - LOG MAINTENANCE.
Ø All chip stacks are removed from the table.
Ø The deck is shuffled and card counts reset.
Ø The strategy and betting error rates will be reset.