Discard Tray Drills Setup
One of the greatest problems encountered by card counters using balanced strategies is failure in determining the number of cards dealt and converting that into useful information. The Discard Tray Drills feature provides several drills that present tests based on discard tray depths. Unlike the Card Counting Drills, where the cards are dealt sequentially and you keep a running count, in these drills, the discard tray depth jumps around randomly and the count is unknown. Select options as follows:
Here you select one of the drills discussed separately below:
Ø Decks Left - In this drill, you will be tested on the number of remaining decks to be dealt. Click on the correct number to continue.
Ø Half Decks Left - In this drill, you will be tested on the number of remaining half decks to be dealt. Click on the correct number to continue.
Ø Quarter Decks Left - In this drill, you will be tested on the number of remaining quarter decks to be dealt. Click on the correct number to continue.
Ø Aces Left Norm - Here, you will tested on the normal number of Aces that should be left assuming that Aces are evenly distributed throughout the cards. This is a number that must be known in calculating the effect of Ace side counts on strategy.
Ø Aces Dealt Norm - Here, you will tested on the normal number of Aces that should have been dealt assuming that Aces are evenly distributed throughout the cards.
Ø Ace Play Delta - This drill is only available if the selected strategy has a NON-zero value for the Ace card point value (Aces counted in high group). It tests your ability to calculate the adjustment to the running count for playing decisions. The number of Aces dealt or remaining will be displayed in a small box to the upper right of the discard tray. Using this, and the depth of the discard tray, calculate the running count adjustment. For information on this calculation, and the others below, see the section on Side Count Handling.
Ø Ace Bet Delta - This drill is only available if the selected strategy has a zero value for the Ace card point value (an Ace-Neutral strategy). Here the adjustment to running count for betting decisions is tested.
Ø Ace Insure Delta - This drill is only available if the selected strategy has a NON-zero value for the Ace card point value (Aces counted in high group). Here the adjustment to running count for insurance decisions is tested.
Ø TC Conversion - This tests your ability to convert Running Count to True Count. For each test you are given a Running Count and the number of decks dealt. You must respond with the True Count. Note: The True Count is calculated according to the rules that you specify on the Options-Settings-True Count screen reached from the main menu in the game.
Ø TC Conv & Decks – This is the same as the above drill. Except here you are not given the number of decks. You must determine this from looking at the discard tray.
Show Aces
This option controls the display in the ACES box displayed for the Ace Side Count drills above. Either the Aces dealt or Aces remaining to be dealt can be displayed.
This option determines whether you will be tested to the nearest full deck, half deck or quarter deck remaining.
If ‘EXACT’ is selected, then you will receive an error unless you hit the exact answer. The other options allow an error of 1 or 2 test buttons to the right or left without counting as an error. However, when you hit one of the boxes, the box will turn yellow, the correct box will turn green and you must still hit the green box to continue the drill. You will not be penalized with an error, but you will lose some time.
Tray Position
If random is selected, then the tray moves around the screen. This makes it more difficult to see the differences between pairs of tests.
Customize Tray Style
Pressing this button will display many options that allow customization of the discard tray. Dozens of discard trays are available. I will not explain these parameters as it is easier just to try them. When you are finished, you can press Exit to return to the drill parameters.
Timer Mode
You must select one of the timer modes below to control the presentation of the tests:
Ø Automatic - In this mode, you are given a limited amount of time to respond to tests. If you do not respond on time, the correct answer turns green (not depressed) and an error is logged. You must press the green button to continue the drill.
Ø Count Down - In this mode, you are given an unlimited time to respond to a test.
Ø Count Up - This is the same as COUNT DOWN except for the handling of the total time field as described later.
Ø Number Box - The box with a number in it can be changed to specify the number of tests that take place in one drill.
Control Bars
Note: all speeds and times are measured in seconds and displayed below the control bars.
Ø Speed - In Automatic Timer Mode, this field specifies the amount of time that you have to respond to a test.
Ø Alarm - In Count Up or Count Down Timer Modes, this field specifies the total time allowed for the entire drill (all tests). At the end of this time, an alarm will sound. The tests will continue.
Ø Decks - Moving the Decks bar down will increase the total number of decks.