Blackjack Betting Strategies (Complex)
Here, you can select more complex strategies.
Ø Attach a Strategy - This button is used to enter the strategy selection screen. Any pre-defined or user betting strategy can be selected.
Ø Betting Side Counts - If you use different count values for playing decisions and betting, click this button. This is rare. A table is displayed that you can use to set the side counts needed to change the playing count to the betting count. For example, if you use Hi-Opt I for playing and Hi-Lo for betting, set Ace’s to -1 and Two’s to +1. This is the difference between the two strategies. CV will keep a side count and adjust the Running Count by the side count when calculating bets.
Ø Modify Current Strategy - When you click on this button, you will be taken to the Define Betting Strategies screen with the current strategy open for modification. You cannot modify included strategies.
Ø Define/Edit Strategies - When you click on this button, you will be taken to the Define Betting Strategies screen where you can define a new Single or Advanced strategy or modify an existing strategy. Single Strategies cover most strategies that people use including cover betting and Wonging. See the Define Betting Strategy section for details.
Ø Display Current Strategy - Look at, without modifying, the selected strategy.
Ø Assemble Multi-Strategy - You can create a strategy that combines other strategies and switches strategies at defined deck depths. You may wish to change your betting pattern at deeper penetrations to take better advantage of the Floating Advantage. You can also use this feature to change the wong in or wong out counts depending on the depth of the shoe. Once a Multi-Strategy has been created, use the Modify Current Strategy button to modify it.
Ø Unit Size - This is the size of your small bet in dollars.
Ø Warning on Betting Error - When set, a box will appear on the table with the suggested bet whenever you make a bet outside of the calculated valid range. If multiple hands are in play, they do not have to be the same. Only the total amount bet must be correct.
Ø Allow Bet Correction - When this option is set, and the Warning on Bet Error option is set, you will be allowed to correct an incorrect bet after receiving a warning. If you wish to continue with the same bet, double-click the table.
Ø Camouflage Button - Occasionally, you will want to make a bet that you know is not within the valid range for your card counting strategy. This bet is made to camouflage your play as a counter, or because you think that you can get away with an unnatural bet, or because the count has changed too dramatically for you to ignore sensible betting. When this option is set, a small button with a "C" on it will appear on the shoe on the main table. If you wish to indicate a camouflage bet, click on this button to start the next hand. When you press this button, no warnings will be issued for that hand
Ø Force Shuffle on Big Raise - When this option is set and you make a raise in violation of your strategy, then the dealer will shuffle the cards. This simulates casino 'heat'. The casino may shuffle the cards if they feel that you are counting cards and you raise your bet in order to neutralize the deck. Note: If this is happening to you, you can reverse strategy by raising your bet and forcing a shuffle when the deck is poor. (Actually, this is a poor strategy, but is very tempting. The correct move is out of the casino.)