REKO Card Counting Strategy
You can start with two hands and gradually increase the number. Also, start with two-card hands, and go up to full hands. Start with slow test and flash speeds, and increase. There is also a Progressive Speed option on each of the drills that gradually increases the speed each time you take the drill. It resets when you exit. Also, use the Bias options to test yourself on very high and low counts. This is where many players lose count. It is particularly difficult to count upwards from a negative count. Flashcard DrillsThe Flashcard Drills for REKO are much like those for Basic Strategy, except that now you must take into account the running count. Unlike Basic Strategy, REKO varies the decisions if the count is +2 or above. In the Count Options box, you can use the Set to option to specify a count that is below +2 to test you on what to do with a low count, or +2 to test you on all playing decisions at a high count. Then, you can set the count to Random. The count will bounce up and down and be displayed. You will have to specify the correct play at that count. You can set the Hands to Default to test on all-important hands. Or you can set it to Hands with Indexes, and only the hands where the decision can be affected by the count will be tested. Again, errors are tracked and you can set the drill Errors option to test you on your errors. Many more options are discussed in the manual. CVTestWhen you have learned REKO, you can use the CVTest facility to create your own regimen of ongoing tests. CVTest lets you define multiple tests and string them together into a daily testing script. A card counter’s practice days never end. Even long-time pros continue to practice, just as professional athletes continue to sharpen their skills.
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