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As is usually the case, the single-deck results are very different. Where there was little gain from constant recalculation in the shoe game above, the single-deck game sees a great deal of improvement. Again this is due to the increased importance of playing efficiency in single-deck games and the greater volatility of counts due to the small number of remaining cards. A few extra cards counted means little when playing with 312 cards, but clearly makes a difference with only 52 cards. The single-deck sims had three players. More players would increase the blue gain somewhat.


Note: In all sims on other pages, the true count is always recalculated for every decision.





·          Six decks, S17, DAS, LS 4 players, Hi-Lo, truncate, Full indexes, half-deck resolution, penetrations from 26-130 cards cutoff by the card

·          Single-deck, H17, 3 players, Hi-Lo, truncate, Full indexes, half-deck resolution, penetrations from 13-26 cards cutoff by the card

·          Four different methods of True Count calculation

·          Two billion rounds each, all sims use optimal betting, full Kelly


 © 2009 Norman Wattenberger

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