Blackjack Error Simulation
The CV philosophy of casino realism requires sophisticated support
for errors. Players and dealers both make errors and this must be taken
into account for both practice and simulation of results.
CVBJ Error
Support (Practice software)
Of course Casino Verite Blackjack warns you if you make playing or
betting errors. But, dealers make errors too. In fact, the huge growth
in casinos over the past 15 years has greatly increased the incidence
of dealer errors. If you simply assume that the dealer doesn't make errors;
you will lose money. And the dealer probably makes more errors than you
think. If you set the appropriate options, the CVBJ dealer will make occasional
errors. You must click an error button to indicate that you saw the error.
Your catches and false catches are recorded and reported just as are playing
and betting errors. Dealer errors supported include:
- Insurance Payoff errors (incorrect amount)
- Blackjack Payoff errors (incorrect amount)
- No payoff on Win (on close hands and particularly on hands with
many cards)
- Bust on 21 or less (on close hands and particularly on hands with
many cards)
More are planned.
Error Support (High-speed simulation)
If you are simulating an error free game; you are not simulating casino
Player Errors
- Play Errors per Hour - This option can be set to determine the
effect of playing errors on the selected strategy. Errors will be generated
at the set rate. Player errors consist of not hitting, splitting, doubling
or surrendering when called for by the current strategy. The generated
errors are common errors.
- Betting Errors per Hour - This option can be set to determine the
effect of betting errors on the selected strategy. Errors will be generated
at the set rate.
- Deck Estimation errors - This is more complex. Using a method I
call deck contouring, you can specify different error amounts depending
on penetration. For example, with one deck left or one deck dealt, you
are less likely to make an error in estimating decks left than 40% or
60% through the shoe. You can specify the errors in detail depending
on depth.
Dealer Errors
There are seven dealer errors some that help the player and some
hurt the player. The large number of new casinos means dealer errors
will occur. To simulate dealer errors, set the number of errors that
will occur per 1,000 situations and turn on the associated option.
- Lose Pushes - Pushed hands will randomly lose at the specified
- Push Winning Hands - Winning hands will lose.
- No bust on Dealer 22 - A four or more card dealer 22 will be treated
as a 21
- Pay Pushes - Pushed hands will randomly be paid
- Push Losing Hands - Losing hands will push.
- Pay Early Bets - If a player busts, he sometimes will put up a
bet before the dealer plays his hand. If the dealer then busts, he will
sometimes pay the early bet.
- Bust on Long Hands 21 - A 21 made up of four or more cards is treated
as a bust.
- No payoff on side bet - The dealer does not pay when you win a
side bet.
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