Team Play
+5. Here we still see the win rate per hand increase slightly with a two-round delay, but far less since the count can either increase or decrease during the delay. and z4055Chart.gif. When in the Round Do You Signal?I ran another set of sims to determine when it is best to signal the BP: at the end of round, after the first two cards are dealt, or in the middle of play. I won’t bother to include these charts as it turns out the differences are trivial. You can signal whenever you see the count increase. And this means? Very little in looking at any specific case. In the Wonging discussion on the Betting Chapter, I warned that the number of variables is very large. In team play, you find most of the same variables plus new ones: · Number of spotters · Cost of spotters (do they play and if so how) · Number of BPs · Wave-off points · Different call in and wave-off points by deck depth As always, you need to look at all the variables and may find that some do not have the effects that you might expect. Fine-tuning a BP team is quite a task.
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