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Figure 12.3


The URL tells us that if we play exactly in the same manner as SBA has done, and under the identical conditions, then our next session’s win or loss when playing shoes will be no greater than 139.63 units different than the session we just finished.

This information allows us to know how much money to bring to each session with the confidence that we will not go broke.

However, keep in mind that these numbers are computer-generated sample results and you will have to do the calculations on your own data in order to determine the proper limits for your own play.

Let’s now establish the limits for the 8-Shoe Trial running record.

Creating limits for the running record

As mentioned before, in order to detect any “special causes” that might be present, we will have to first determine the normal variation.

To determine normal variation on a running record, we must compute two limits. The first limit we will create is called the upper control limit (UCL).

The formula to calculate the upper control limit is:

UCL = X-avg + 2.66 x mR-Avg.


 © 2009 Norman Wattenberger

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