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How much do card counting indexes matter?

Here we will use the same chart as two pages back, but we will vary the number of indexes used.

Red indicates the SCORE using no indexes at all including no Insurance. Green adds the top 20 indexes. This is Don Schlesinger’s Illustrious 18 and Fabulous 4 Surrender indexes minus the ten splits, which few players use these days. Blue indicates the gain in SCORE using over 100 indexes. At very poor penetration on the left of the chart, we can see that the top 20 indexes perform nearly as effectively as 100+ indexes. There is almost no blue gain.

At low penetration all those extra indexes just do not help. The middle of the chart displays the more common penetrations. Here the top 20 indexes still provide the vast majority of the gain of 100+ indexes. At deep penetrations at the right of the chart, the picture changes. The top 20 indexes still give us the majority of gain. But now we see a substantial additional gain from additional indexes. The great range of possible counts near the end of the shoe is behind this gain. The gain from numerous indexes is not that great in shoe games unless they are very deeply dealt. Which is rare these days.




 © 2009 Norman Wattenberger

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