Modern Blackjack







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to get an idea. Anyhow, I managed to split deuces against a trey to four hands, doubled two of the hands to win six bets. This is the only time I have ever received a standing ovation for playing a hand of Blackjack. Unfortunately, I only had a $50 bet up.

You definitely need a different attitude about cover in the islands.  Remember that you are in the islands and join the party.

Companion “N” III

I did better at the Atlantis on Paradise Island spreading heavily and betting with no cover at all. But to tell the truth, I think I could have gotten away with it without my companion. When you are in Vegas, the Craps tables are often boisterous and the Blackjack tables quiet. In the Islands, you are more likely to see animated players at the Blackjack tables. The casinos don’t want vacationers that wander in to be presented with a room full of dour-faced gamblers. They will be much happier with your presence if you help to brighten up the place.

Companion “P”

The concept of bringing one of the dancers from a “gentleman’s club” is not new. I tried this just once. The girl, a dancer at the Paradise, was a friend. She was provocatively dressed and appropriately distracting when we hit The Mirage. The idea, of course, is to get away with larger spreads and less cover betting. Only one problem. I could not get a good count. 40 minutes of play and the count would not budge above +1. What is the point of playing without cover if the count won’t cooperate? Ah well, a failed experiment.

Companion “W”

Another birthday, but mine this time. I ended up in Atlantic City with a flaky, garrulous, but very attractive dancer. She seemed to me excellent cover. I was wrong. Whenever I raised my bet, she would grab half the bet and pull it back saying “You don’t want to bet that much.” The casino should never have allowed this. But as I’ve said, attractive women can get away with almost anything. This session the count did go up. But I was


 © 2009 Norman Wattenberger

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