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you are splitting tens at the right time (when you have a large bet out), and it increases variance anyway. Thus, it is a playing decision to avoid. There are a few other hands discussed by Ian Andersen in Burning the Tables in Las Vegas. I will discuss these further in the chapter on cover.

Making stupid plays, on the other hand, can reduce heat. However, you do have to make certain your stupid play does not look like you are a counter making a play that looks stupid but is really a rare correct variation from Basic Strategy. And of course, you cannot make a large number of costly errors.


Only once in my life have I doubled a Blackjack, about a quarter-century ago at the Fremont. The pit boss was watching my play much too closely. The count jumped up, but I had a minimum bet out and was afraid to jump my bet after a loss with so much attention. So, I left the bet at the minimum. I received a Blackjack. Well that pissed me off. A Blackjack on a high count and I had the min bet out. So, out of sheer frustration, I doubled it. I am not going to say whether I won or lost because it is irrelevant. (OK, I lost.) The pit boss, smirk on his face, did not bother me again. I may have gotten what I wanted, but it was a stupid move and I haven’t made it since



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 © 2009 Norman Wattenberger

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