Modern Blackjack
My First Trip







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A New Jersey friend was playing Baccarat in Vegas. He was a big gambler, not an advantage player. (An “advantage player” is one that has an advantage over the casino — like a card counter.)  After losing his bankroll, he ran over to a friend and asked to borrow $2,500. Brought it back and bet it all on the Banker. He won. He pressed the bet — betting $5,000. Won again. He said press it again. The pit boss rejected the bet telling him that $5,000 was the table limit. He told his girlfriend to sit and had her bet $5,000 in addition to his $5,000 bet. Won again. He said press it and got the same response from the pit. So, he asked two complete strangers that had been watching the game to sit, and he bet four times $5,000. Won again. He turned to his girlfriend and said, “Let’s have dinner in San Francisco.”


Now this may sound like one incredibly lucky guy, and indeed he was on this trip. But his office was wallpapered with paid casino markers. His overall record was abysmal. Indeed, that is how he managed to experience such an unlikely story.

Betting in this manner is a certain path to disaster. Well, almost certain. Over-betting worked for me on this trip. However, it will fail far more often and will hurt you if you keep it up.

High expenses – My expenses were too high. I paid for a full-fare plane ticket, something you should never do. I received a couple of comps (casinos will provide various complimentary rates and freebies to players), but I was not proactive about getting free meals, etc. Moreover, I tended to ignore expenses as if they were not a part of the expectation calculations. For some insight into comp hustling, read Comp City: A Guide to Free Casino Vacations by Max Rubin.

No cover – Cover or camouflage is the art of staying under the radar — avoiding identification as a counter. This can involve betting modifications, playing modifications, an “act” or how you present yourself in a casino, time spent at a table, and comments made during play. There are some people who seem to think that being barred from a casino is a badge of honor. But if you cannot play, you cannot win. I obviously had no concept of cover.

No game plan/Betting strategy – Well this one is obvious. I read a book and got on a plane. I gave no thought to where I was playing, where I was staying, or even how long I was staying. But


 © 2009 Norman Wattenberger

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