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·         Total amount bet and the amount won per round are supplied in dollars.

·         Total bet advantage.

Ø  Counting by Inference/Hand Length – Counting by Inference refers to the method of estimating the count of cards in face-down hands. This table contains the average count of unseen hands to your right for the count and rules specified by hand length. Also provided are the distribution of such hands and the distribution of units bet. This table was not included in these runs.

Ø  Counting by Inference/Draw – Counting by Inference refers to the method of estimating the count of cards in face-down hands. This table contains the average count of unseen hands to your right for the count and rules specified when exactly one card is drawn. Also provided are the distribution of such hands and the distribution of units bet. This table was not included in these runs.

Ø  Standard Deviations, Variances – These tables provide standard deviations and variances by Hand, 100 hands, shoe, and hour. True and normalized standard deviations are provided. The normalized numbers ignore the current betting levels and are used to calculate the optimal betting levels. The effects of cover betting have been removed from the normalized numbers.

Ø  Bonuses – For all Bonuses, the number won, amount won, and win rates are provided. No bonuses or side bets existed in these runs.

Ø  Custom Bonuses – This table displays results from the bonuses created by the Custom Bonuses feature. Results are displayed for all seven seats on one page. Up to ten custom bonuses can be defined. Custom Side Bets are displayed on the next screen. For each bonus, the number of times it was paid, and the additions to the Initial Bet Advantage and the Win Rate are displayed.

Ø  Custom Side Bets – For each custom side bet, data are displayed by True Count. Change the seat number to see other


 © 2009 Norman Wattenberger

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