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Exit Point Only

Finally, we look at entering the shoe for the first hand after the shuffle, and leaving if the count drops too low. Here we are not back-counting. We simply skip out if the advantage turns significantly against us. Either we look for another table, or take a bathroom break and return to the same table. (Note: Returning to a table in the middle of a shoe without Back-Counting means that we do not know the count. We could start counting from the middle, but you must assume that all the unseen cards are still in the shoe instead of the discard tray for the purposes of calculating the true count, and penetration for that shoe will be very poor.)

We see that the green bars increase far more quickly than the red bars. If we leave with a count below -5 instead of -4, we will play a higher percentage of the hands, but with no gain.

Note: The spread is 1-10 in this chart. The 1-4 spread in the other charts is not adequate if you start play at the shuffle.




Note: Hi-Lo equivalent counts are about half the FELT counts. REKO exit counts depend on shoe depth.


 © 2009 Norman Wattenberger

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