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What about Card Counting?

Let’s try the same experiment with Hi-Lo using the top 20 indexes. Here cyan is once again an S17 game. But here we display SCOREs for penetrations from 26 to 130 cards cut off. The thickness of the cyan area is the loss if we play using the H17 tables. The difference between the red and green lines is the loss playing an H17 game with S17 rules. There is barely any loss at all. What we see is a very small penalty for using incorrect tables. I did not include the DAS chart as it looks much the same.

Now a full set of indexes will make more of a difference. But few people use a full set with six decks. And single-deck would make more of a difference. But single-deck games with S17 or DAS are difficult to find.



·          Six decks, S17, DAS, LS 1 player, Hi-Lo, truncate, Sweet 16 & Fab 4 indexes, half-deck resolution, 26-130 cards penetration

·          Six decks, H17, DAS, LS 1 player, Hi-Lo, truncate, Sweet 16 & Fab 4 indexes, half-deck resolution, 26-130 cards penetration

·          Six decks, S17, LS 1 player, Hi-Lo, truncate, Sweet 16 & Fab 4 indexes, half-deck resolution, 26-130 cards penetration

·          Six decks, H17, LS 1 player, Hi-Lo, truncate, Sweet 16 & Fab 4 indexes, half-deck resolution, 26-130 cards penetration

·          Six decks, S17, DAS, LS 1 player, Basic Strategy, 4.5/6 penetration

·          Six decks, H17, DAS, LS 1 player, Basic Strategy, 4.5/6 penetration

·          Six decks, S17, LS 1 player, Basic Strategy, 4.5/6 penetration

·          Six decks, H17, LS 1 player, Basic Strategy, 4.5/6 penetration

·          Correct and incorrect strategies

·          Optimal betting by full counts in Hi-Lo sims, Ten billion rounds each


 © 2009 Norman Wattenberger

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