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Modern Blackjack
How Blackjack Works







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How does the count affect Splits, DDs, BJs, Insurance?

As we can see from the previous page, the advantage at higher counts has little to do with winning more hands.

Now let us look at some hand types. The percentage of hands that are splits, doubles, insurance, and Blackjacks is charted by card count. Each of these types is affected differently by the count. In this chart, over 100 indexes are used.

We see double downs in green. The percentage of hands doubled increases as more and more double down indexes are reached. This happens only if you use many indexes, as we will see later. At about a true count of +5, double downs start declining. This is because the large number of high cards at high counts reduces the possibility of a DD opportunity.

Splits, displayed in red, also increase as more and more indexes are reached. Blackjacks, in cyan, increase substantially as the count increases and this is very important to overall gain.

Insurance, in blue, is uncommon below the insurance index. (There are a few insurance bets below the insurance index since the count changes between the start of the round and the insurance decision.)  Insurance then appears and gradually increases in percentage of hands as the number of tens and aces increases.




·          Six decks, S17, DAS, LS, 4.81/6, Hi-Lo max indexes, trunc, half-deck

·          Ten billion rounds for six and two decks, five billion rounds for single-deck


 © 2009 Norman Wattenberger

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