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 Humble, Lance and Carl Cooper The World's Greatest Blackjack Book Doubleday & Company, 1980 —  Includes the high-efficiency Hi-Opt I strategy. Also discusses Hi-Opt II, a more difficult card counting strategy, but one of the very best.

Snyder, Arnold Blackbelt in Blackjack Cordoza Publishing, 1983, rev. 1998, 2005 — This was once one of the early, best BJ books. It is still worth reading. But take what he says about other people and strategies with a pound of salt. 

Snyder, Arnold The Blackjack Shuffle Tracker’s Cookbook, Huntington Press, 1994 revised 2003 – A major source of shuffle tracking information.

 Mezrich, Ben Bringing Down the House: The Inside Story of Six M.I.T. Students Who Took Vegas for Millions Free Press, 2003 — The story of one of the MIT Blackjack teams. A bit exaggerated, but a good read. 

Wong, Stanford Professional Blackjack Pi Yee Press, 1975, rev. 1994 — One of the most popular Blackjack books covers simple to expert card counting. Contains much information on the value of rules and playing variations for those rules. Hi-Lo and Halves strategies are included. 

 Haywood, Bill BeatWebCasinos.Com RGE Publishing, 2000 — Probably still the best source of information on beating the Internet casinos, although a bit dated.

Epstein, Richard The Theory of Gambling and Statistical Logic, Academic Press, 1977, revised 2009 — Classic, wide-ranging book on gaming theory.

Perry, Stuart Las Vegas Blackjack Diary 1997 — I read a draft of this book before it was published. It is a bit of a tedious read. But then, card counting can also be tedious. Unlike other Blackjack books, it doesn’t teach Blackjack. Read this if you want a peek into the day-to-day world of a Blackjack card counter.

Stann, Dave Hollywood Blackjack An Uncensored Guide to Doing It Like a Pro, RGE, 2007 — An irreverent view of the Blackjack field from a professional player and TV host.

Smith, Ken How to Win More Blackjack TournamentsThe Blackjack tournament eBook.


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