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MP21 is a Blackjack table sold to casinos by MindPlay LLC. Using 14 concealed cameras and a special shoe, the table tracks all the bets and cards in real time. The casino can refer to the MP21 screen and view information about the players as the game is played. Ostensibly, the purpose is to rate the skill of players and to comp them appropriately. This in itself would appear to be a legitimate use. However, it would appear to provide the system with the ability to keep track of the card count as would a card counter. That gives one pause.


On a visit to St. Maarten, a team had asked me to scout out the Hollywood Casino. All tables were MindPlay except for two in the VIP area that were closed. I played for about a half an hour with a couple other players. The pit boss was seated on a stool a couple of feet away. I don’t think she wanted to observe our play; she was simply bored and wanted company. This gave me a chance to chat about the tables.

She referred to the MindPlay tables as “frustration tables” and completely ignored the screen. She added that no one on the staff liked the tables. That is not surprising as they are designed to take over some of their duties. But the worst part of the tables is that they are mind-numbingly slow — at least as they were being used in this casino at this time. My original fear was that the tables would analyze a counter’s play and warn the casinos. They certainly have the information needed for such an analysis. Didn’t matter. The slowness of the tables drove me away.

This is good news. You can’t get a device like this to pay off if the employees want it to fail. And, they do not want their jobs automated.


Does the table violate the Nevada device law? Let us review the statute:


NRS 465.075 Use of device for calculating probabilities.


It is unlawful for any person at a licensed gaming establishment to use, or possess with the intent to use, any device to assistK


 © 2009 Norman Wattenberger

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