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This chart is the same except for single-deck. As is usually the case, everything is magnified in single-deck. Single-deck is substantially more sensitive to incorrect plays.



Partial Double Down

Most casinos will allow you to place a double down bet less than the main bet. Another cover play is to place a double bet of the table minimum when double down is a bad play. For example, double a 12 against a 2. The bet looks ridiculous to the eye-in-the-sky since they cannot see the amount bet. The cost is fairly low with a double bet substantially below the main bet. Of course, you should not make this bet if there is a chance that you will want to draw more than one card. Also, do not make it if the pit is watching as they can see the amount and it may draw unwanted attention.


·          Six decks, S17, DAS, LS, Heads-Up, Hi-Lo, truncate, max indexes, half-deck resolution, penetrations from 26-130 cards cutoff by the card

·          Single-deck, H17, 1 player, Hi-Lo, truncate, max indexes, quarter-deck resolution, penetrations from 13-26 cards cutoff by the card

·          Five billion rounds each for six decks, three billion for single-deck, all sims use optimal betting, full Kelly


 © 2009 Norman Wattenberger

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