CVCX Blackjack Analyzer
Blackjack Simulator, Sim Library
& Risk/Goal/Bankroll/Trip Ruin/Optimal Bet Calculator
"I believe any serious player or team captain should own this
software. There's no other simulator that can match its sheer speed
or features in today's market." - George C. (Author: Shuffle
Tracking for Dummies; Developer: Unbalanced Zen)
Two new Blackjack Simulators join the Casino Vérité Blackjack
line. CVCX is described here and CVData on the CVData
Blackjack Simulator Page. For blackjack game, practice and drills,
see CV Blackjack Game.
CVCX Philosophy and Features
This application is based upon Blackjack Attack by Don Schlesinger.
BJA Chapter Ten contains summaries of over 600 separate 20 billion round
sims and has been the source of a wealth of information for the Blackjack
community. The latest edition of BJA Chapter 10 was created using CVCX.
There are four main purposes to CVCX:
- Quick game and strategy comparison. There are 250,000 2 billion round
sims included with CVCX. Load the sims for a strategy and you can change
decks, rules, penetrations, bet spread, risk and bankroll and instantly
see the effect on win rate, expectation, SCORE and other stats. SCORE
is a method of comparing games coined by Don Schlesinger.
- Optimal Bet Calculation. As you change the settings, the optimal
betting ramps are instantly calculated using the latest theories in
optimal betting. These betting schemes maximize your bankroll growth.
- Risk and Bankroll Calculators. Twelve calculators and nine charts
are included for refined Risk/Bankroll/Goal/Time/Results related calculations.
- Simulation. CVCX includes its own extremely high-speed Blackjack simulator
so you can add your own methods of play to the canned sims.
Extensions include:
- Up to 105 different penetrations by exact card are run and can be
displayed after the sims have been completed. As you click the
penetration counter, advantage, desirability, risk and optimal bets
instantaneously change based on your exact indexes and counting accuracy.
- A library containing the equivalent of tens of thousands of Blackjack
sims and one quadrillion hands (that's one million billion) is available
on the Web at CVCX Archives. Most of
this library is also automatically installed from the CD.
- Many graphs, summaries and betting reports.
- Windows-style assistant, balloon help, context sensitive
help PDF manual are included. If shipping is requiested, a full color printed manual
(same as the PDF) is shipped.
Calculators included:
- What is my Risk given no goal and no time constraint
- What is my Risk given no goal but a time constraint
- What is my Risk given a goal and time constraint
- What is my Risk given a goal and no time constraint
- What is the Probability of reaching a goal before going bankrupt given
a time constraint
- What is the Probability of reaching a goal before going bankrupt with
no time constraint
- What is my Range of Probable Results
- What results can I expect given time and probability of reaching goal
without ruin
- What is the Probability of your actual casino results
- What is the required bankroll given a goal and time constraint
- What is the required bankroll given a goal and no time constraint
- How many Hands are required to reach a goal given risk of ruin and
desired probability
Version 4, 5, 6 Additions
CVData/CVCX Blackjack Simulators
If you have licenses for both CVData & CVCX, you get a different
version of CVCX that adds many of CVData's advanced features while retaining
the speed of CVCX. For a comparison between the two, see CVData/CVCX
For demo and update downloads go to the Blackjack
Download Page.
- All CV products come with a no questions asked refund guarantee.
- Demos are available for CV Windows Products.
- A printed manual and CD are shipped on request.
- Telephone support is available at 212-593-1747.
- One license can be used on a home and an office, or a desktop and
a mobile PC so long as only one is used at a time.
- CV Upgrade policies are quite liberal.
